Join us for the screening of 3D animated short film, The Man from Oghuz: The Judgment, directed by Houston native indie filmmaker Murad Aliyev. The story follows a young warrior from Oghuz who is captured by city guards for allegedly breaking the law. He faces a...
Reeves Art + Design is excited to announce “Ken Luce: On Target.” The exhibition will be on view June 13th, 2024 through June 29th, 2024. The opening reception will take place on Thursday, June 13th, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Admission is free and open to the...
Dr. L. Subramaniam and Kavita Krishnamurti in Harmony Kavita Krishnamurti (Versatile Vocalist)and Dr. L Subramaniam (Legendary Violinist), accompanied by a full ensemble of Eastern and Western musicians, will take you through a memorable “Bollywood & Beyond”...
The Fade To Black Play Festival celebrates 12 seasons of amazing festival performances! We are Houston’s first and only national short play festival to spotlight the new works of African-American playwrights. Our play festival is the hippest, hottest play...
Due to popular demand, the dates of Wes Archer: Paintings & Drawings have been extended! The show will now be on view through June 8th. On June 8th we will be hosting a closing reception and artist talks for Steve Brudniak: Ontological Catastrophe & Wes...
Due to popular demand, the dates of Ontological Catastrophe have been extended! The show will now be on view through June 8th. On June 8th we will be hosting a closing reception and artist talks for Steve Brudniak: Ontological Catastrophe & Wes Archer: Paintings...
Get ready to dive into history with The Herricanes by Olivia Kuan at HAAPIFEST Film Festival! Join us at Axelrad for an inspiring journey back to the 1970s, where a group of remarkable women defied the odds by forming the Houston Herricanes, the first full-tackle...
Get ready for a thrilling cinematic adventure at our Prescreening Events. Come see a glimpse of what types of films we will be screening on Thursday, May 23rd. All Screenings are free but seating is limited. Join us at the vibrant Axelrad Beer Garden located at 1517...
The MLK Grande Parade will be held on January 20, 2025 in Midtown Houston originating on San Jacinto Street & Elgin Street beginning @ 10A (CST). The parade’s theme is “Unity Through Diversity” and will feature culturally diverse performance...
Throughline is proud to present “Where the Lines Meet”, an exhibition of new works by Jonas Criscoe and Luisa Duarte held in conjunction with Print Houston, on view Friday June 7 through Saturday, June 29. Open Friday-Saturday, 12:00pm – 6:00pm....
Apollo Chamber Players’ Silenced Voices season finale uplifts voices that have been suppressed by totalitarian dogma and those silenced within ourselves. While Dutch-Jewish composer Dick Kattenburg perished in Auschwitz because of his faith, Robert Schumann...
Get ready for a whole lotta squeezin with Houston’s A.S.S. Houston’s A.S.S. is Houston’s premier accordion cover band. Comprised of Anthony Barilla on accordion, Cathy Power and Erin Rodgers on accordion and vocals, and Jenny Zuniga on drums, the group will be...
Throughline is proud to present “Where the Lines Meet”, an exhibition of new works by Jonas Criscoe and Luisa Duarte held in conjunction with Print Houston, on view Friday June 7 through Saturday, June 29. Open Friday-Saturday, 12:00pm – 6:00pm....
Join Throughline and member artists Luisa Duarte and Jonas Criscoe as they discuss their work in the exhibition, “Where the Lines Meet”. “Where the Lines Meet” is an exhibition of new works held in conjunction with Print Houston, on view Friday...
Throughline is proud to present “Where the Lines Meet”, an exhibition of new works by Jonas Criscoe and Luisa Duarte held in conjunction with Print Houston. “Where the Lines Meet” explores the nature of lines, and the space created when they intersect. The...
Blue is the colour of dreams. Orange, red and white are the colours of summertime. In ‘The Introduction’ Ivo Morrison tells you a story about the memory of summer. But it’s not about his summers. It’s about yours. And how you remember them. And...
Join us for the Museum’s First Annual Educator Symposium, which will be held on June 14, 2024, at the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum. This annual event will focus on the pedagogy and recent research on the contributions of African Americans in military, culture, and...
Commissioned by Loop38 and created by Dr. Ben Morris, assistant professor of composition at Stephen F. Austin State University, Longleaf traces the history of the longleaf tree and the timber industry in East Texas with video projections, historical photographs,...
Join us for an evening of dance featuring new works by Rachael Hutto, Mary Beth Arrington, Luis Fuente and Natalia Charova. The program showcases City Ballet of Houston’s elite youth dancers, artists in residence and guest artists.
Reeves Art + Design is excited to announce their upcoming simultaneous solo show lineup for May featuring the work of Wes Archer and Steve Brudniak. The exhibitions will be on view May 10th, 2024 through May 25th, 2024. The opening reception will take place on Friday,...