The concept of opulence revolves around the symbols of wealth and status that hold significance within a particular community. This show highlights the urban trend of having gold teeth. Coined as grillz by Houston hip-hop culture, gold teeth have historically held...
Celebrate Ludwig van Beethoven’s birthday with an innovative concert-experiment! Join internationally award-winning concert pianist Dr. Mei Rui as she presents live performances of Beethoven’s iconic masterworks, including the “Archduke” Trio, alongside...
THEY, WHO SOUND on Monday, December 16 will feature: Laura Ortman/Aryn Ward & Emily Beisel/Lisa Cameron Laura Ortman (New York) – violin, electronics Aryn Ward (Houston) – flutes, Féhpv Vcenv, winds, percussion Emily Beisel (Chicago) – bass...
THEY, WHO SOUND on Monday, December 9 will feature: Una Behdi & Bob Hoffnar/Max Lorenzen Una Behdi (Houston) – eco-somatic demonstration Bob Hoffnar (Austin) – pedal steel guitar, room Max Lorenzen (Austin) – sine waves, room They, Who Sound is...
THEY, WHO SOUND on Monday, December 2 will feature: The Dennis Gonzalez Legacy Band & The Ward Family Band The Dennis Gonzalez Legacy Band is: Joshua Cañate (Denton) – tenor saxophone, drums Aaron Gonzalez (Dallas) – double bass Stefan Gonzalez...
Join Lindsey McGill and Roberta Paixao Cortes for a ballet class followed by rep from Group Acorde! Ballet class will be for beg/inter levels and rep will be from one of the company’s latest creations, Beat. Thomas Helton the composer of Beat will join playing...
Join HCCC to learn the basics of melt-and-pour soap making for this holiday season. Create your own unique recipe by selecting your favorite colors, fragrances, and dried botanicals to add to a soap base. Experiment with the endless possibilities of shapes, colors,...
As the Roman Republic collapsed under the weight of its own extraordinary success in acquiring an empire, civil wars reduced Rome’s greatest generals to fighting with one another: from Marius and Sulla, to Pompey and Caesar, and eventually Antony and Octavian (the...
Looking for an opportunity to practice your Italian conversation skills? Look no further! Our in-person Italian Conversation Class will help you gain fluency while having fun. This small group class is designed for intermediate to advanced level speakers. Knowledge of...
Looking for an opportunity to practice your Italian conversation skills? Look no further! Our in-person Italian Conversation Class will help you gain fluency while having fun. This small group class is designed for intermediate to advanced level speakers. Knowledge of...
Enjoy refreshments and explore site-specific ceramic sculptures in “Ceramics in the Environment,” created by students from the MFAH’s Glassell School of Art and inspired by the Craft Garden’s flora and fauna. While you’re at HCCC, enjoy these other...
C-STEM Museum Exhibit: Becoming to Empowering Progress in STEM African American mathematicians, scientists, and inventors have contributed to our Nation’s greatness and beyond for hundreds of years. From Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performing the first prototype...
Following the popularity of our Beginner Mosaic Workshops, we are delighted to offer our first ever Intermediate Mosaic Workshop with instructor Elizabeth Gtz. Carabeo! In this four-week class, you’ll build new skills that will make your mosaics stand out from...
KRISTIN MARIE BACHMANN | At the Still Point [Part 3] November 21, 2024 – January 31, 2025 Ion District Garage 4111 Fannin Street Houston, TX 77004 Opening reception Thursday, November 21, 4 – 7PM Kristin Marie Bachmann and Piper Faust Public Art are pleased to...
KRISTIN MARIE BACHMANN | At the Still Point [Part 3] November 21, 2024 – January 31, 2025 Ion District Garage 4111 Fannin Street Houston, TX 77004 Opening reception Thursday, November 21, 4 – 7PM Kristin Marie Bachmann and Piper Faust Public Art are pleased to...
Join us during the holiday season at Asher: Off the Wall to shop an expanded selection of handcrafted jewelry, objects, wearables, prints, and sparkly gift items made by more than 30 local and national craft artists. We’re excited about the fantastic variety of...
Directed by Payal Kapadia (France/India/Netherlands/Luxembourg/Italy, 2024, 110 minutes, in Malayalam, Hindi, and Marathi with English subtitles) Lynn Wyatt Theater, digital An illuminating portrait of the transformative power of friendship and sisterhood, All We...
Directed by Joseph Losey (France/Italy, 1976, 123 minutes, in French with English subtitles) Brown Auditorium Theater, digital Mr. Klein stars Alain Delon (1935–2024) in a role he considered his favorite. Robert Klein is an amoral art dealer leveraging his position...
Directed by Alonso Ruizpalacios (Mexico/USA, 2024, 139 min., in English and Spanish with English subtitles, digital) Saturday, November 23, 7:00 p.m. BROWN Sunday, November 24, 5:00 p.m. BROWN Mexican filmmaker Alonso Ruizpalacios—whose films Gueros and Museo were...