Theater of war opens Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 2-4pm at Fotofest in collaboration with “Artist-Run, Artist Organized.”
Inspired by my visits with the Santa Fe Ten Memorial Foundation and artist Eiko Otake’s ten-year project, “A Body in Fukushima, I recently created “Theater of War,” my first three-channel video and series of performance stills from a durational, day-long performance. The performance was filmed two miles from the shooting at Santa Fe High School. From dawn until dusk, I lowered and raised three solid red American flags into a metal wash basin filled with black dye. I wrung dye out of each flag and hung it on a nearby clothesline to dry. The weight of these repetitive yet mundane gestures marked time, made visible invisible labor, and poetically embedded into each flag the ongoing divide within communities, visually indicating the impact of gun violence on families, communities, and our nation.