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March 30, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - March 31, 2024 @ 9:00 pm

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La obra transcurre en la década del ’20 del siglo pasado, en la vastedad del campo argentino. María y Honorio, son un matrimonio de inmigrantes italianos y Justo, un humilde peón contratado para la cosecha.

El diálogo fragmentado entre estos tres personajes sobre lo cotidiano elude, una y otra vez, los deseos insatisfechos de unos seres desamparados y atormentados. Sin embargo, al sentirse protegido por la intimidad del hogar, el matrimonio puede concretar una fantasía que resulta intolerable para la mirada del rígido exterior. Este acuerdo entre María y Honorio se ve abruptamente interrumpido por Justo quien altera la cotidianidad marcando nuevos destinos a sus vidas.

Es un “melodrama campero” que respeta el modelo de la tragedia clásica, en tanto adquiere dimensiones míticas que la rescatan del localismo y la proyectan a lo universal. Lo que está en juego es la dignidad de esa criatura contradictoria e inconstante que es el hombre, su identidad y su eventual redención en un desenlace fatal.

Sandra Franzen, co-autora de la obra junto a Patricia Suárez, estará acompañando el estreno de la obra. Y en el marco del estreno Teatro Loft ofrece un taller y un seminario con ella dirigido a dramaturgos, directores, y actores. Están invitados a reservar su cupo en la página de Teatro Loft.

The play takes place in the 1920s, in the vastness of the Argentine countryside. María and Honorio are a married couple of Italian immigrants, and Justo is a humble hired hand for the harvest.

The fragmented dialogue among these three characters about everyday life repeatedly avoids the unfulfilled desires of helpless and tormented beings. However, feeling protected by the intimacy of their home, the couple can fulfill a fantasy that is intolerable to the gaze of the rigid exterior. This agreement between María and Honorio is abruptly interrupted by Justo, who disrupts their daily lives and sets new destinies for them.

It is a “rural melodrama” that respects the model of classical tragedy, as it acquires mythical dimensions that rescue it from localism and project it onto the universal. What is at stake is the dignity of that contradictory and fickle creature that is man, his identity, and his eventual redemption in a fatal outcome.

Sandra Franzen, co-author of the play along with Patricia Suárez, will be accompanying the premiere of the play. And as part of the premiere, Teatro Loft is offering a workshop and seminar with her aimed at playwrights, directors, and actors. You are invited to reserve your spot on Teatro Loft’s website.


March 30, 2024 @ 8:00 pm
March 31, 2024 @ 9:00 pm
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Colectiva Feminista Colibri


Houston Cultural District:
City of Houston District


MATCH Houston (Midtown Arts and Theater Center Houston)
3400 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002 United States
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